Okay, I have been thinking about birth control but i can't afford. I am too embareassed to ask my mom because I am 19. I don't have a job. and my boyfriend of one year and 4 months think it's a good idea. I have been hearing all kinds of birth control methods but i don't know which one to use. also, i don't want to use ones that will make yu gained weight. what do you think.
Do you think girls input is necessary in selecting a condom to use?
| Thursday, July 30, 2009 | Contraceptive | 0 comments »Considering that there are different variance of condoms.
Be it for protection or contraceptives.
Do you think your partner's input is necessary?
Or for girls, do you participate in the selection?
I just wondered with one condom ad where girls is also part of the selection process.
I hope to get some reply on this one.
Every single time I say something that is true, people hate me for it. This has happened to me on several occasions. In fact, on July 13th and July 14th, I said some things that were true, and now everyone hates me for it. Why? I thought that people should tell the truth? I thought that the saying was, "The truth shall set you free"? Lately, I am hearing, "Don't say that!", "That's not nice!", "They don't want to hear that", or "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all". This is bulls***! Those things contridict the whole "truth will set you free" saying.
So, do people get angry when they hear the truth? Should we really say nothing mean to people, even if it is true? Do we really have to be nice to everyone?
You can learn a lot about a person by what his or her T-shirt says. Recently, one of these messages caught my attention as I walked through a local shopping mall. A young woman wore a bright red T-shirt that said, "Love Is for Losers." Maybe she thought it was clever or provocative, even funny. Or perhaps she had been hurt by a relationship and had pulled away from others rather than risk being hurt again. Either way, the T-shirt got me thinking."
Is love for losers? The fact is, when we love, we take risks. People could very well hurt us, disappoint us, or even leave us. Love can lead to loss.
The Bible, though, challenges us to higher ground in loving others. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul describes what it means to live out God"s kind of love. The person who exercises godly love doesn"t do so for personal benefit or gain but rather "bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" (13:7). Why? Because godly love endures beyond life"s hurts by pulling us relentlessly toward the never-diminishing care of the Father.
So, perhaps love is for losers"-for it is in times of loss and disappointment that we need God the most. Even in our struggles, we know that "love never fails." — Bill Crowder
Unfailing is God"s matchless love,
So kind, so pure, so true;
And those who draw upon that love
Show love in what they do. "-D. De Haan
Permanent failure, life of a loser, never succeeding. That's my life story. I just posted 2 blogs and answered a post and they have vanished. Much like my life. All my good jobs I have been layed off from due to closings or down sizing, my vehicles are broke down, and my business is failing. My faith is getting weak, my spirits are low and I am hungry. My kids are turning away from the faith, and becoming selfish and self centered.I went to work construction and now I can't even get payed. In my 16 years of marriage my wife and I have lost 2 children. When does it turn around? Where is the hope of a good life. God promises never to leave his children. But He never promises to us safe. He is probably eating a box of chicken while I go broke and starve. I once prayed for a car. I got a car the next day from my boss. Free at that. I spent my last $10.00 on gas went to insure it and register it. IT STOPPED and never ran again. I guess I should have prayed for a running car. Like I should have prayed for children that lived, or a job that pays, or anything positive.I hope in the end it is all worth it. Life is hard enough to find out hell is waiting on me.
Tell me your hard luck stories, or that God really does care?!?
Although the LLC in itself was founded in the United States, the brainchild for this idea was actually first raised elsewhere. There are new elements in the actual letter of what makes an LLC, but the first seed of the idea came from the German business concept of a GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) - literally translating as "Company with Limited Liability" - as well as the Latin American limitad as which operated based on the same concept. The first LLC was actually formed in 1977 in Wyoming, although debate continued in both legislature and the revenue service as to whether the concept could be allowed under United States tax law. Wyoming was alone for five years in allowing LLCs to operate, until Florida adopted similar legislation in 1982.
Between 1988, when the IRS indicated that it would treat any LLC as a partnership for tax purposes (after eleven years of refusing to do so) and 1996, the states of the Union decided, one or a few at a time, to adopt LLC-friendly legislation. That year, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws adopted nationwide legislation on the practice, which was revised in 2006. The LLC, given this long honeymoon period to show it can work, is now here to stay. The fact is, though, that there are variations on the theme worldwide, and in many cases they were in place long before 1996 or even 1977. Not in the United Kingdom however - they adopted the practice, under the name of Limited Liability Partnerships, in 2000. Like US LLCs, the British equivalent pays tax only at partner level, and is treated as a body corporate in all other ways.
The idea of Limited Liability Companies may then seem to be a recent development - scarcely a quarter of a century old in the United States even in its vaguest form. However, the idea of a GmbH is more than a century old. It came into being in Germany in 1892. Although the idea had been bandied around in the UK for a while before that, Germany was the first country to pass legislation permitting the formation of such a company. In the present day, the GmbH is by far and away the most common form of company in Germany. In order to found a GmbH, the individual or the company must raise founding capital of €25,000 (approximately $35,000).
The GmbH idea was taken on shortly afterwards in Austria and other neighboring countries. In Italy, 1942 saw the creation of an act that demarcated three different kinds of company, one of which closely resembled the GmbH - Società a responsabilità limitata (or Srl). One thing that each of these variations had in common was the fact that it allowed the individuals in a business partnership to transfer liability for the debts and losses of a company from themselves to the entity that they had formed. In the present day, a majority of countries in the Americas and Europe, and many beyond, have some variation on the LLC - but it was the GmbH that started the ball rolling.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter.
Melissa Gordon is the publisher of LegalBuffet.com, a complete online resource that compares the legal services offered by various online companies. Find the best company for your LLC formation needs at http://legalbuffet.com/llc-services/.
Basically, a limited liability company, or simply LLC, was created to accommodate some of the needs of businessmen that cannot be answered by creating a corporation or a partnership. Hence the creation of an LLC. So if the question to be asked is what solutions an LLC provides, the obvious and immediate answers would be the solution that the other forms of business structures cannot.
An LLC is a form of business that is neither a partnership nor a corporation but has the features of both. Like the corporation, an LLC gives its owners limited liability. Like a partnership and sole proprietorship an LLC passes through its profits or losses to its members for taxation purposes. So what solutions an LLC provides given that benefits? Because of the mentioned features, the LLC manages to give businessmen the best of both worlds. It solves the taxation problems that a corporation has while it protects its owners from personal liability which a partnership and sole proprietorship cannot do.
Forming a limited liability company comes with it many advantages. These advantages are considered such since they help solve more business difficulties. What solutions an LLC provides based on these advantages and what solutions an LLC provides to its members? An LLC provides its members flexible distribution of profits. This gives them the freedom to do as they please with their profits. LLCs also solve the problem of many corporation when it comes to formalities and documentary requirements as well as higher incorporations fees. This is because LLCs only require basic requirement and fees much lesser than that of a corporation.
What other solutions an LLC provides? One of the most attractive things a limited liability company can do is solve the problem of double taxation that most corporations hate paying for. With an LLC, the corporate tax usually paid by a corporation need not be paid along with personal taxes. All that has to be paid is the income tax of its members.
It is knowing what solutions an LLC provides that has made them the more popular form of business structure for the last ten years. The benefits they can offer are more custom fitted to the business that a lot more people want to have. Aside from the above mentioned advantages, a big number of other attractive features can still be said about LLCs. The LLC's pros are much more than its cons. An example of this is the asset protection it provides which makes possible the adage that "you own nothing but you control everything". It is advantageous to estate tax planning as well as in eliminating probate, it gives creditor transactional benefits, fund raising and charitable giving is facilitated better through the forming of an LLC and multiple states operations and professional practices are both better enhanced via an LLC.
Now that you know what solutions an LLC provides, it will not come as a surprise if you become one of the wiser ones who will prefer to make use of it when forming a business. A lot more vital and useful information can be gained via the internet about limited liability companies.
For more information about an LLC Definition or want to know "what is llc", be sure to check out the leading source of information about LLCs: How To LLC.
For those businesses who buy debt from lenders, usually to pursue or to assume the income stream for such activities on favourable terms (i.e. $1 for a cost of 50 cents up front), the world may have just become a bit of a brighter place.
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) along with many other edits and tweaks, have made a change to the debt purchase arena that will result in significant ripple effects across the industry. The change is particularly helpful for those involved in consolidating financing and investment to support the purchase of inventory.
Beginning in 2008 (fiscal year), the accounting standard "FASB 159" retools how assets specified are to be listed. In short, the change converts the representation to being fair market value versus the old standard of reporting them valued at cost to obtain. For debt purchasers the difference is huge. The value obviously of a debt could be 100 percent or more as an asset than what was paid to obtain the ownership of the debt.
The objective, according to FASB, is to improve financial reporting by providing entities with the opportunity to mitigate volatility in reported earnings caused by measuring related assets and liabilities differently without having to apply complex hedge accounting provisions. The change is expected to expand the use of fair value measurement, which is consistent with the Board's long-term measurement objectives for accounting for financial instruments.
The 159 change applies to all entities, including not-for-profit organizations. Most of the provisions apply only to entities that elect the fair value option. However, an additional amendment to FASB Statement No. 115, Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities, also applies to all entities with available-for-sale and trading securities. Some requirements apply differently to entities that do not report net income.
The change allows a portfolio shift to market value rather than operational value. And, of course, when you have a 100 percent more difference between market and cost, your company is easily going to see an increase in business' equity side of the balance sheet as well (remember, assets = liabilities plus equity on the balance sheet). For presentation the change clearly increases the equity balance under the company's own, direct management.
From an examination perspective, the change provides a more accurate view of the company's worth as well. Your balance sheet reflects market value, and provides investors or partners a better gauge of what your business equates to as venture worth supporting.
A third benefit comes of course in seeking additional financing. By having a larger direct control of the equity side of the business, your management can leverage greater credit lines (under normal circumstances of course, and not in the current credit crisis which has nothing to do with your everyday business). Finally, having a fair market value of your debt assets allows an easier calculation of worth when your business gets involved in dispute resolution or if you decide to sell your business.
The 159 change became effective as of the beginning of an entity's first fiscal year that began after November 15, 2007. Early adoption was permitted as of the beginning of a fiscal year that began on or before November 15, 2007, provided the entity also elected to apply the provisions of FASB Statement No. 157, Fair Value Measurements. No entity is permitted to apply this Statement retrospectively to fiscal years preceding the effective date unless the entity chooses early adoption.
For a number of reasons, aside for objectivity and avoiding conflicts of interest, we strongly advise against trying to make these adjustments yourself for your own business.
Anyone running a debt purchase operation should work with their accounting and review this new FASB option with a professional and certified valuation advisor.
Neil Lemons is an independent writer who enjoys writing articles to be used as business valuation resources. He has years of knowledge, and has written many articles about business valuation, with a particular focus in the business litigation services arena.
A have a good friend who is quite having problems with his guy. She can't stop thinking that her boyfriend's cheating. I spoke to her and said that she should stop this or else her guy might lose his interest with her. Well anyway, after hearing her story, I couldn't also help thinking that his guy is really cheating. And why did I judge that guy? it's because he shouldn't stock condoms if her girl is already in birth control pills! His guy is a frequent traveler, and after hearing my friends' story, I couldn't stop thinking too that his guy is a CHEATER!
Now that my cats are no longer allowed outdoors, their claws are growing like crazy! My oldest cat, who has retraction issues to begin with, is sticking to the carpet whenever he walks because his claws are so long!
But I'm too to clip their nails. The last time I tried it the cat meow'd like I hurt him, so I do not want to try it again!
Do you clip your cat's claws yourself, or does someone else do that for you?
5 Great Reasons For Forming a Corporation
| Thursday, July 30, 2009 | Corporation, LEGAL | 0 comments »There are many good reasons for forming a corporation, if you are minded to do so. People tend to believe that a Corporation and a Limited Liability Company are all but interchangeable, and in many ways they are not too far wide of the mark. However, there are differences between the two, and it is in these differences that people find their reason for choosing one or the other. There may be many individuals who are leaning one way or the other - so here are some reasons why you should choose to form a corporation.
1) The protection of personal assets is a major issue for individuals entering into a business partnership. If, in order to raise money for the purchase of goods or services in the pursuit of creating the company, an individual chooses to cash in an asset, that is their choice. To risk it being lost at some indeterminate future point, however, is not a risk many are willing to take. You may only lose in the proceedings of a business collapse what you have put into the business yourself. In the same way, it is possible to put a personal asset into the ownership of a company and protect it from being seized if you yourself are the subject of a lawsuit or bankruptcy proceedings.
2) Taxation bears a lighter weight on a corporation than it does on an individual. If your income and many of your assets come through your company, they can be protected from the higher levels of tax. It is certainly something that necessitates close watching, and is a tricky balancing act to pull off, but it certainly benefits an individual to have this kind of flexibility in fiscal terms.
3) The permanence of a corporation is something that it has over a limited liability company. A corporation can continue indefinitely, and its identity is not defined purely by its membership. Although many people point to the greater flexibility of an LLC as being the reason to choose that way of operating, there are many who prefer a corporation because of its greater constancy.
4) An incorporation will have its own eligibility for credit, regardless of and unaffected by its owner's personal credit scores or that of its shareholders and directors. By using corporate credit in place of personal borrowing, it is possible to build a business credit rating which allows a far greater level of borrowing power and borrowing freedom. This can allow a company to make much bolder decisions and grow at a quicker rate.
5) Finally, there is a non-legal but equally persuasive reason for forming a corporation. The cachet connected with being able to add Corp. or Inc. after the name of your business really does cause your company to be taken more seriously. It may be a wholly cosmetic issue, but the mere fact of that shows that a lot of people will treat that as being the case - and for business purposes there is little difference between perception and reality.
Disclaimer: This article is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter.
Melissa Gordon is the publisher of LegalBuffet.com, a complete online resource that compares the legal services offered by various online companies. Find the best company for you and incorporate your business at http://legalbuffet.com/incorporation-services/.
Let's Reverse Roles! - The Importance of Socialization
| Thursday, July 30, 2009 | dog | 0 comments »Dogs are social animals. As much as they love their people, they are happiest when they are with other dogs. They understand each other. They teach. They learn to give and take. But most of all, they have fun together. They can play rough. They can get dirty...the other dogs don't care!
If you are one of those people who scoff at the idea of your dog going to a doggie park, it's unfortunate. Get over it! You are depriving your pet of essential learning and playing experiences. They get to interact with something other than you! They get to be a dog!
Let's put it this way. Reverse roles with your dog. You are now under their management. They only associate with other dogs. They drag you everywhere you go, but you have no one like you, to interact with. You don't have a clue what they are saying. You have to sit calmly at their side for hours on end sometimes, being a "good person."
Back in the doghouse, there are no books you can understand. No TV you can understand. They don't keep a people computer in the doghouse you can jump on to check your e-mails. Oh that's right, you don't need to check your e-mail...you have no friends! The phone doesn't mean a thing to you. They may throw a few toys down on the floor for you to amuse yourself with. Unfortunately the only time you leave the doghouse is so your owners can be with other dogs.
When you do leave, you can see other people out there. You want so badly to be with them. Sometimes you get so excited, you don't know what to do with yourself. You call to them! You may wave, wiggle and squirm. You pull on your leash. POP! Next thing you know, your person is making a corrections! "Calm down!" they tell you. "Behave!"
It's so hard sitting there being good. You think, why doesn't your owner see how important it is for you to make contact with other people?
Right there, in front of you are lucky people playing with other people! Their owners recognize how important it is for their people to network "with their own kind." The owners of those people realize their person has to "play" with other people, if they want their person to be a happy person.
An empathetic person owner understands, yes, if they take you to a "people park" you may get germs. So what, you got all your shots. How else are you going to build up your immune system? They know there may be people there that play rough. Or say something that will hurt your feelings. That's all a part of being a person. They know you will learn how to deal with it. Besides, they are right there to protect you if need be.
They know you look forward to going to the "people park." They understand how much you look forward to intermingle with your people friends...and how important it is for you to make new people friends.
They also see, after letting you play with people for a few hours, you will go home tired, and happy! They tell all their dog friends, "We go to the people park all the time. A tired person is a good person."
OK, so maybe your person owner isn't too keen on "people parks." There are always other places you can go to mix with other people. Your owner can get together with a few of their dog friends and arrange play dates for their people. Everyone can take turns having all the people come over to their house, and romp around in the backyard. They may set up a little pool, or have the sprinkler running. There may be toys for you to play with. The important thing is, you have each other to play with!
If the people owners don't want to get that involved, then there are people camps and resorts. A thoughtful people owner could sign you up for a couple of days a week at a local people camp or resort, so you could play with other people. It would sure beat sitting around the doghouse alone all day, waiting for your owner to come home. A smart person owner knows, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop!" They know leaving you home alone too long, with nothing to do, will surely mean you will either get into trouble, or become depressed.
Finally, there is always the option of people obedience and socialization classes. A knowledgeable person owner realizes you can always teach an old person new tricks. Signing you up for a positive reinforcement, punishment-free obedience or socialization class would be a terrific way to spend quality time with you, and still let you interact with other people and dogs! Again, you would go home tired and happy!
Do you get the picture? Do you now realize how important it is for your dog to have other dogs to associate with?
Bottom line: Dogs need dogs. Take them to a doggie park, doggie resort or doggie camp. Let them be a dog! They will love you all the more for allowing them every now and then, to be what they were meant to be...a dog!
If you are wondering how do I get dog urine smell out of concrete then I think I can help you. Dog urine is a horrible smell and when on concrete can be pretty tough to get rid of. My dogs used to urinate in the driveway all the time and it was really frustrating. I trained them though and they don't now. Here are some of my top tips for people asking how do I get dog urine smell out of concrete.
Paper Towels - You must act really quickly at the start. As soon as you think that your dog may have urinated be on the move. Grab yourselves some paper towels and some gloves. You want to keep on applying the paper towels until you can get up no more dog urine. Apply pressure really hard to get every last drop. Some recommend a mop here but that just tends to spread the urine which is not what we want, we want rid of the urine and the smell, right?
Baking Soda - Ok, now you have used the paper towels you need to sprinkle some baking soda on the dog urine area. Now you have to leave it for 30 minutes to an hour so it can soak up as much of the smell and actual urine as is possible. When this time is over, it's time to get out your vacuum cleaner and vacuum the whole area thoroughly.
There might still be a lingering smell of urine in the air but that is normal. You can cover this temporarily by spraying the area with air freshener. It should go on it own within a day or so anyways. It is seriously worth learning how to train your dog because it saves you so much money, time and effort in the long term. It's great when people come around too and see how well you have trained your dog and equally as embarrassing when you invite friends around and the smell of dog urine is in the air.
"I bet you're searching the internet looking for the best methods to handle your dog urinating for free and I totally understand that. I was in your position and all the information seemed too much and information conflicted and it was pretty annoying at the time.
Finally I just thought I'd buy something and apply it regularly and it worked way beyond my expectations. Now I have 2 dogs (both Cocker Spaniels) who I would not have recognised just 1 month ago. If you're interested in just getting this problem out of the way as quickly as possible. Click here for Dog Urine Smell On Concrete
Due to its many advantages over other business structures, an LLC or limited liability company is the preferred option of many individuals who wanted to have more flexibility and less taxation in their businesses. To form an LLC, certain requirements need to be prepared and submitted. An Articles of Organization need to be filed in accordance with the specific guidelines provided by the state concerned. Fees need to be paid. An internal operating agreement is also best prepared. However, what is more important is the determination that a limited liability company is indeed the best form of business for your situation. To be able to make sure that every move you do in forming a business entity is legally correct and will not be facing any problems in the future, it is best to acquire the services of LLC business advisors.
LLC business advisors are usually lawyers or other professionals that are experts in the field of business. They are aware of all the laws that may apply to your situation and they can give you the advises you needed in order to establish the business you aspire for. They can also make everything easy for you. You can simply sit down and wait for these LLC business advisors to do all the work for you in forming a limited liability company.
One good thing about these LLC business advisors is that they can easily be contacted and accessed since the abound in the internet. All you need to do is go online and you may already browse for the LLC business advisor nearest your area of business and you may already give them a visit for advises. Better yet, you can do al your transactions with them all with the use of the internet. There is no longer a need for you to exert much effort in creating your LLC. An LLC business advisor may that for you with only the convenience of online transactions.
The services given by LLC business advisors include the comparisons and explanation of the possible business structures that may be applicable to the businessman's situation. The advantages and disadvantages will also be discussed. The preparation of the pertinent documents as well as its filing will also be done by the LLC business advisors. They will also provide what one may call an LLC kit which will include all the papers prepared and filed and even a CD that will explain what the doments are and what they are for.
The LLC business advisors will also apprise the businessman all the legalities involved in forming an LLC depending on which state he is in. they may also be the one to take care of all paperwork involve in maintaining the LLC as well as those that may be needed throughout the LLC's existence.
All your needed service may be provided to you by an LLC business advisor for a reasonable fee that can even be paid online through credit cards and other forms of payment. It is your choice if you will get one or do your filing by yourself.
For more information about an LLC Definition or want to know "what is llc", be sure to check out the leading source of information about LLCs: How To LLC.
For decades video games were a way to have fun, but you were sitting down and taking part in the action on screen. Now many of these video games are interactive and you get to be involved with them. There are some delightful dancing video games that are a huge hit right now. The one that is most popular with teenagers is called Dance Dance Revolution.
This video game will give you quite a workout as well so be ready for it! You have to move on a pad on the floor to the areas that the music screen tells you to. This is all in beat to the music. You can play alone or with someone else so there is plenty of fun for everyone. You can also play it at different levels so that you always get the challenge you are looking for.
You may have seen the larger versions of Dance Dance Revolution at various gaming rooms. They are also featured in some dance clubs. You have to pay a dollar or two to enjoy them though. Many people don't like to play them in public either so they love the idea of having them at home to enjoy.
There are quite a few versions out there now of the Pump it Up dancing video games. You can choose either four or five panel forms of dancing. There are many levels of difficulty when it comes to the songs, and you have to be able to follow the exact dancing steps shown as well as perform them. It can be fun but also a challenge. For anyone that is trying to improve their skills in this area such as for cheerleading, Pump it Up can be a great learning tool as well as a game.
What is amazing is that you can have up to 32 dancers playing the same game at the same time with it. Thanks to the many advances in technology these individuals can be in the same room, in the same town, or even in different countries as they are playing. Since dancing is universal there is no limit to the exposure it is going to get out there. If you are tired of the songs that came with your version, you can buy song packs which will allow you to have more variety and to learn new moves as well.
With these types of dancing video games, people are having the time of their lives. They are getting up off the couch and moving too which is excellent for their overall health. Parents are also more likely to let their children play such a video game over those that are sedentary in nature or violent in nature. Of course there are quite a few parents out there that get into the action playing these games as well.
Due to their popularity, there are more and more dancing video games that come out all the time. You should be able to find several you are very impressed with. You will also find them for all the various home gaming consoles so it really doesn't matter which one of them you happen to own. Most of them are extremely affordable as well so you won't need to spend very much money to have hours and hours of fun.
Not all dancing video games put you into the action though, and many people are happy with that. They don't want to get up and dance, but to have characters on the screen dancing on their behalf. Some fun games that fit into this category include Dirty Dancing and Dancing with the Stars.
Dancing is a common social activity that many people love. If you want to join dance classes, dancexcite is good choice. They are provide many kinds of classes such as ballroom dance classes, rock 'n' roll dancing classes, kids dance classes. All dance classes Sydney based.
Proven - Cardio Exercises are Beneficial to You!
| Thursday, July 30, 2009 | aerobics | 0 comments »In a scale rate of zero and one, with one being the highest and zero being the lowest, how do you rate your lifestyle? And if given the same scale rate test regarding what you have, how do you rate them? Clearly, all answers with regards to HEALTH is a definite ONE! Well this is because "Health is Wealth"-if this is so, why is it that most of us do the exact contrary to our lifestyle. Clearly still, we need to act in exact accordance to achieving a healthy lifestyle and a healthy body. Achieving a healthy lifestyle means more to the Self-Discipline and Will Power.
This may sound as a "Herculean Task" to many as their will power is poor and their bad habits over powers their rationality, but the good news is, it's ACHIEVABLE! In the advent of modern, effective and useful technology, Burning fat is as easy as memorizing the alphabet. The answer is Cardio Exercises, This is an exercise that raises your heart and rate and keeps it elevated for a period of time. The benefits we can derive from this are so beneficial that it has gained worldly acceptance. Here are some of the benefits Cardio Exercises. It boosts the metabolism, burns calories, and helps you lose weight, it strengthens the heart, it helps reduce stress and promotes restful sleep.
Cardio Exercises also increases the energy level of a person and it strengthens the lungs and lung capacity. Here are some proven Cardio Exercises which is beneficial to you. Step Aerobics- This workout appeals more to women its main target is the legs, hips and the gluteus. Most of all, it burns 400 calories in just half an hour of activity. Though this lessons appeals more to women, there are men who find this workout appealing as well. Intensity Exercises- these Cardio Exercises comes in two groups. The Low Intensity exercises which lasts 45 minutes to one hour, and the High Intensity exercises that last only 20 to 30 minutes.
The Low Intensity drill helps in preserving the joints of the person and is a very good fat burning workout as well. The high Intensity Drill however is a shorter one but is done through the concept of Interval Training. Though shorter in time span but the intensity is higher, but is also done gradually. This way the person's heart has time to cool down and relax for about 2-3 or five minutes and then gradually again increases the intensity. This training is very beneficial in terms of stamina, thus it strengthen the heart and the lungs. Dance Aerobics- this Exercise is one way to relieve tension and stress, because the person interacts with another person.
This is a fun way to do Cardio Exercises. There are countless ways of doing act. There's the DVD or you may also want to go gym classes. This workout does not only help you burn fat, it also helps you sculpt your abdominal muscles. Stamina and Agility is also one feature of this incredible workout. Bottom-line is its fun and it's effective. Full Body Exercises- these Cardio Exercises can be found in many areas, Sports, gym activities or outdoor trainings. In sports there's swimming that is an all in one training, which can burn 250 to 500 calories in just one hour, or Ball game sports, which is beneficial in many ways.
There is also Bicycling, rowing, and jumping rope. Which gives it's practitioner unparalleled full body workout. All in all Cardio Exercises are beneficial to you, but a doctor's advice and check will always come in handy. The prime cause of weight gain is inefficiency in metabolism. To remedy this you must increase the metabolic rate, so as to burn fat naturally. Cardio Exercises can aid you in this endeavor, so engage in this, its fun and it's healthy!Most of all its beneficial!
The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at http://www.FlabAndFatAway.com.
Dog collars are one of the most important items you can purchase for your pooch. They serve a dual purpose of identification and training, so it is important to find the right fit and material for you dog. Your average dog collar is made from nylon. These are the most popular and economical of the bunch and nylon is very sturdy and rugged so you will definitely get more bang for your buck with a nylon collar. Other options for dog collars are leather and metal. Leather dog collars are typically the most expensive, but they are very durable and have the added benefit of looking very cool. Metal dog collars are more expensive than nylon and have a specific purpose that will be discussed further down.
The fit of your dog's collar is the most important factor when choosing one, more so than the material it is made of. The dog collar should be worn up high on the neck, just under the jawline and behind the ears of the dog. This is the best placement for the collar and ensures proper training. It is also the best placement when walking your dog, but each walk should be a training session in itself.
The size of the dog collar will depend on the size of your dog. There are typically standard sizes for dog collars that range from small to extra large and these sizes correlate to the weight of your pooch.
The standard sizes are as follows, of course there are exceptions to every rule and you should always measure your dog for their collar before purchasing.
* XS/Small 7"-11" (2-12lbs)
* Medium 11"-15" (10-45lbs)
* Large 15"-22" (40-120lbs)
* X-Large 19"-29" (100-200lbs)
You will notice that within each size group the weight varies greatly so that is why it is important to measure your dog first. To do so you should use a tape measure and measure the circumference of the dogs neck and then add two or three inches to that measurement and you will have the perfect size! You should be able to fit two fingers between the neck of the dog and its collar. Do not worry, the proper fit is a very snug fit but you do need to have that two finger width so as not to cause coughing or restrict breathing. If you have a growing puppy you need to measure often and make adjustments to the collar as necessary...do this OFTEN!
The fashion of designer dog collars is something that quite honestly disturbs me, but it has become an important addition, so I am forced to discuss it. I guess I am not all that against it, especially the metal studded leather collars, they are very butch and make a dog look pretty awesome. Some of the leather dog collars even have carved designs which are that much cooler, but you of course also have the gem studded frilly collars for dogs of a much more refined taste. I have even seen dog collars with real diamonds! Of course even your standard nylon collar comes in many different designs and colors, so even if you have a small budget you can still find something fashionable for your buddy!
Metal dog collars should be used with caution as they can have a tendency to injure your dog. Prong dog collars are especially dangerous and I would advise strongly against them. They should only be used by professionals, and most of them today are not using them. Choke collars can have a purpose, but you must know how to use them properly. I cannot stress this fact enough!
Stop That Annoying Dog Barking Before I Call the Police!
| Thursday, July 30, 2009 | dog | 0 comments »Dog barking is by far one of the most annoying behaviors that an owner can encounter. Not only that depending on where you live it can also be life changing for you because you might have issues with your neighbors complaining and threatening to call the police. If your in the situation then you will want to figure out how you can stop your dog barking quickly without having your neighbor actually calling the police. Here is a tip that I have found that works out well in getting your dog to stop barking.
The best tip that I have found to help with this behavior is to get your dog out in parks and socialize them really well. If your dog is anything like mine they bark mainly at strangers and items that they do not recognize. Now I know that for some of us we will not even think about this being a problem, but if you think about it your dog is going to protect you and if they do not recognize something or they are not exposed to strangers then they are going to bark as a way of warning.
So if you are introducing them to the fact that some people are not bad like they think, but are good then they will not bark at strangers as often when they are going past your home. Which if they are not doing this then your neighbor shouldn't be telling you that they are going to call the police when they hear your dog make his voice heard.
If you are trying to figure out even more ways that you can try to stop your dog barking then you will want to visit dogbarkingcure.info.
Aerobic fitness is a body's ability to endure and sustain an activity that causes the heart to work at 70 to 80 percent for a prolonged time. Aerobic activities include walking, running, stair-climbing, swimming, dancing and biking as well as many others; anything that elevates the heart to an aerobic level and maintains it for a minimum of 12 minutes.
Aerobic activities provide oxygenation of the blood, muscles and organs which strengthens the body overall.
A body's ability to endure heightened levels of activity is an important part of life in general but can be the difference in the ability to survive a crisis situation such as floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters.
Being aerobically fit can help you to survive a crisis as well as helping others to survive. Although this may be the extreme of the benefits, the list of benefits goes on.
Aerobic fitness has many healthy benefits including healthier cardiovascular and circulatory systems, and the ability to metabolize body fat more efficiently; additionally most people sleep better and live fuller lives A person's level of fitness is related to the health of the person.
With over millions of people world wide dying from coronary artery disease annually it is essential that people strive for aerobic fitness and maintain the lifestyle. A lifestyle that includes aerobic activities has a reduced risk of heart disease and heart attack. Aerobics is also an important part of recovery from a heart attack.
Why don't you give aerobics a try and see the good it can do for you.
Richard Coppin - Take a look at these sites piltes aerobics audio books and Aerobic Fitness
Did you know that being fit and healthy is "cool" and the in thing to do these days? Being fit is something that never goes out of style and your body will greatly benefit from cardio training helping you to a long and healthy life. These days with everyone so busy it is important to take care of and pay attention to your most important asset, your body.
So what is cardio training you ask! Well it is probably the best thing you can do for your body to get it in the best overall shape possible. This training involves using the large muscle groups in your body regularly and uninterrupted. It helps the heart by getting the heart rate up to 60 to 85 percent of the fastest heart rate you can achieve.
Cardio training is thought of as aerobic exercising because of moving from one exercise to another. Swimming, rowing, jogging, running and cycling are just a few cardio training exercises you can do. There are a lot, and the key is to keep moving at a regular pace.
Here are five benefits to doing cardio training!
1. The Body Receives Energy
After a regular routine of training is implemented you will feel a greater level of energy as well as better endurance.
2. Disease Prevention
An important benefit is the prevention of heart disease as well as diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol. The heart is greatly strengthened by cardio training while exercising by walking or jogging is best for disease prevention.
3. Weight Control
You will burn a whole lot more calories with this kind of training and in this way lose weight. Once you reach your desired weight you will then be able to much easier keep your weight at the level you want.
There are different needs for everyone as far as weight loss goes and so you should consult your doctor or trainer as to what type of cardio training you should do to meet your goals.
4. Loss of Body Fats
You may say, "I don't need to lose any weight", well that is all fine and good but you may need to get rid of some form of unwanted fat that is bothersome for you. Cardio training will help you to become lean, fit and toned because of the regular activities that use the large muscle groups on a regular basis thus ridding yourself of these unwanted fats.
5. Say Goodbye to Boredom
You will have fun; feel motivated, energized and full of life. This will become a way of life and you will find that when you are not doing your cardio training your life is missing out on something that you have realized you really need.
Beside the benefits of cardio training here are some recommendations so you can better enjoy your training.
First off if you want to improve your overall health you should be doing cardio training, and you should do it 3 to 5 days a week with about thirty to forty-five minutes of exercise each workout. If you want positive weight loss you should work out at least 4 to 5 times per week. Remember that you do not want to over train and so you should avoid becoming tired and sore from over use of muscles. Don't train to long in a given workout and try to keep it to not more than 60 minutes and do your training on a regular schedule.
The key is to get started. Do it now, don't wait. Set a goal and keep it. Start by walking or biking in your neighborhood or train with that new video you just bought. Combine this with a sensible eating regime and you will be on your way to a healthy, fit and trim body others will envy.
As you become more fit and your endurance level rises your training intensity can also increase. Keep your workouts new and different by switching up little things to keep your body guessing and so you will not plateau. You can accomplish this by doing interval training when jogging or walking. Try going at your regular speed for a while and then increasing you speed for 60 seconds before slowing down again. Repeat this as you train and you will challenge yourself and find you will reach your goals faster and your body will perform better in time.
If you are combining cardio with weight training you should do a short cardio warm up, then do your free weights exercise routine followed by your long intense cardio workout. This will give the best and fastest results. You should never do cardio training just before bedtime as your energy level will be high and remain so for a while not allowing you to relax and sleep.
For best results eat a protein snack about 30 minutes before your workout and never start on an empty stomach. Avoid a big meal prior to working out and be sure to give your body just the fuel it needs to perform the vigorous exercises you are about to participate in.
If the weather and conditions allow it is good to do your cardio outdoors. This will give you a chance to breathe good fresh air as well as enjoy the natural surroundings. You can meet new friends in your community who are like minded and make your healthy lifestyle something that impacts the world you live in.
Remember to stick with it. Do not give up, and be consistent. If you want the full benefits of cardio training you need to stay disciplined, focused and determined to achieve all of your goals. You can do it as long as you remain positive and take action now.
The author of this article can attest to the positive results of cardio training from personal experience. You to can achieve all of your goals with determination and an action plan to follow. If you are looking for a step by step action plan to get you started to a healthier lifestyle you can get all the information you need to get started now by clicking here http://www.loseweightgetfitforcouples.com
Are you interested in learning how you can copy and protect your own Xbox 360 video games? Then simply keep on reading as I aim to teach you the 3 simple steps that will help you copy your own video games within minutes.
Before I teach you these simple steps however I'm going to provide you with the information you will need to copy your own video games. To make perfect backup copies of your favourite games you will need;
Game Copying Software - normal copying software which you would use to create backup copies of music disks or movies won't work with video games simply because the use different types of protection.
Original Game Disk - pretty straight forward here, you will need the original game to copy it.
Blank Disk - once you have copied your original game disk you will need to burn that information onto somewhere, the original information will be placed on a blank disk.
Computer - to start creating backups you will need a computer, as you are reading this article it's a pretty safe guess to say that you have access to one.
Tutorial - a step by step guide on what to do would be useful, however this is an optional requirement as it's a pretty easy process to copy your own games.
The process explained
First of all you will need to install the game copying software on your computer, this is done by inserting the disk, and within seconds you will be asked if you would like to install the software. The second step would then be to run the program you have just installed, once the program is running it will ask you to insert the original game and a blank disk, which takes us on to our third easy step. Insert both disks and wait a couple of minutes once this is done you would have successfully copied a computer game.
If you're looking for more information such as step by step tutorials on how to backup your Xbox 360 Games and all the software needed, check out my website http://www.backup360.info
Have you ever spent time around someone only to realize that they are the devil?
| Thursday, July 30, 2009 | sense | 0 comments »No, I don't mean the devil in a literal sense, but my boyfriends mother is just EVIL. That is terrible to say about a person, but have you ever been around someone and they are so unpleasant and mean that they just drain you? This woman claims to be able to curse people! She never says any good about anyone and as soon as you turn your back she is driving a knife in it. She is 62 years old and the most evil person I know. My boyfriend even told her that he wants to die before she does because he wants to get to Hell before she starts ruling it, and she just laughs! How in the world can people be this BAD?
You are in the cardio trap if......
-You are famished after a workout and you eat more than you usually might.
People in the trap often find themselves exercising till they are spent. Then because of their famished state they eat and refill their tanks with loads of food.
-You feel like you need to exercise due to how much food you consume.
People in the trap believe they must exercise because of how much they eat.
-If you are forced to skip a workout you feel anxious and stressed about possibly not burning enough calories that will lead to weight gain.
-If you are sick quite frequently.
People in the trap tend to exercise even when they are tired. The extra level of exertion often brings about a weakened immune system leading to colds and illness.
-If you do take some time off from an exercise program and you come back with loads of energy and stamina.
The trap is a very draining situation and when you find yourself forced out of it you often recover to levels that allow you to have far more energy and strength.
-If you eat something and then feel you need to work it off.
Being in the cardio trap is not unlike Bulimia where you feel the need to purge yourself from something you just ate. So if you ever exercise just to make up for something you ate then consider yourself trapped!
* The first step to breaking out of the cardio trap is to recognize that weight management happens with calorie balance. A calorie balance can happen with or without loads of exercise.
* If you follow your appetite, then chances are you will eat less if you decrease the amount of cardio you do.
• The best thing to do, if you are in the cardio trap is to seek professional guidance or help. Many people fall into the cardio trap due to a need for control outside of their own lives. Such issues will not be resolved through diet, exercise nor the advice in this article. Only professional intervention will help to spring you free.
Be fit and live free,
If you have been to the dentist recently then you already know that just like everything else in the world, dental service prices have raised significantly. If you do not have private dental insurance you may be forking over hundreds if not thousands of dollars on routine dental work that may be covered under a private insurance for a fraction of that cost. It is true that not having private dental insurance can really cost you if you find yourself in need of anything more than a traditional cleaning.
The cost of individual dental plans is considerably lower than it used to be. In fact, while the prices of dental services have risen, the cost of the private dental insurance has fallen over the past few decades. This is because there are many more dental health providers that are working with individuals who may otherwise not have a way to get group dental insurance. With the overall cost so low, it is hard to say why more people do not have insurance.
Yes, you may be able to easily afford your every 6-month cleaning, but what if you need a root canal or gum surgery. Can you afford the thousands of dollars that may cost you? Most people cannot, and with individual dental plans available at monthly rates that are reasonable and affordable there is no reason not to. Having private dental insurance simply makes sense, not to mention easy, because with individual dental insurance you won't have to worry about that pain in your tooth. You can just walk right in to the dentist knowing that your dental coverage provider has you covered.
Planning Your Backpacking Trip - Important Steps That Should Be on Your Backpackers Checklist
| Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | 0 comments »When you are ready to go on your backpacking adventure, you may feel a little tense or nervous or just very excited, but remember that you should not go unprepared. You know to bring clothes and money and your camera, but there are several other things that you need to have as well, and this is where a checklist can come in hand. Make sure that you put together a good backpacking checklist that will help you stay organized in the weeks and months leading up to your trip; these are not things that you want to be caught without!
First, remember that you need to consider your visa; this is something that should be at the top of your backpacking checklist. A visa will allow you to get into the country, so make sure that you find out how much a visa costs of your trip. Some countries have different rules and as soon as you have your itinerary, find out what visas you are going to need. Always remember that you should check your visa information with your local government before you leave.
Also make sure that you check into the travel alerts for the countries that you are visiting. There are many different ways to do this, but getting online is usually the first step. You never know when being a tourist in a certain area can be dangerous, so be careful and make sure that you check.
Have you gotten all the vaccinations and medications that you need? Make sure that you have your prescription medication dealt with and that you have all the vaccinations that you need to have dealt with depending on the countries that you are visiting. In some areas, you will actually need to provide proof that you have been vaccinated before you will be allowed in the country. Look for a travel clinic to help you out with what vaccinations you might need. Your own physician should also be able to give you an idea of what is required.
When you are thinking about putting together your backpacking checklist, consider putting travel insurance on it. Travel insurance can be enormously beneficial to backpackers, but it is surprising how few actually pick it up. At the very least, pick up medical insurance, because chances are good that your regular insurance won't be covered while you are out of the country. Also look for travel insurance that will cover you in case of trip cancellation; this can help you save your money in the event of a real problem.
There are lots of things for you to consider when you are putting together your backpacking checklist, so don't miss out; you don't want to ruin your trip by forgetting something important!
Riding a bicycle may not be the first thing you associate with Hilton Head Island, but the truth is that biking has been a part of the vision for the island since modern development began. The island's path to development started with construction of amenities such as golf courses, tennis courts, and bike trails with the idea that communities would spring up around these amenities. Because of this there is a large and ever-growing network of paths that can be enjoyed by visitors and residents alike.
Because the many island bike paths have been around as long as modern development, it is very common for island residents to be enthusiastic bike riders. Approximate half of the 100 miles of Hilton Head bike trails are located in the island's gated communities. These paths are for the use of community residents and visitors who are staying within one of the community's hotel resorts, rental houses, or timeshares.
In addition to the privately held bike passageways in Hilton Head's gated communities, there are another 50 miles of bike paths on public lands. The island's public paths include shared pathways for pedestrians and bicycles as well as bike lanes on major roads. These bike trails lead to numerous public parks and amenities, including access to some of the island's miles of beautiful beaches. These paths are open to all, residents and visitors alike.
The two systems of Hilton Head bike paths make the island one of the most bicycle-friendly areas in the nation. They are perfect for anyone looking to explore the island's natural beauty, and can serve those looking to get some exercise as well as those wanting an alternate, environmentally-friendly way to get to the island's parks, beaches, and other amenities.
For those visitors who would prefer not to transport their own bikes to Hilton Head, there are many island businesses offering bike rentals. Even people who aren't normally able to go biking where they live can enjoy the miles of paths on the island by taking advantage of the many bike rental options available to them.
Hilton Head Island has a great deal to offer both its residents and its visitors, and the island's system of bike paths is a great way to experience everything the island has to offer. With 50 miles of public bike pathways and another 50 miles located within the island's private communities, cycling enthusiasts can get to island's numerous parks, pools, and beaches without ever getting in a car.
Ken is a Hilton Head Real Estate professional with over 29 years in the business. To see current properties for sale visit Ken-Oliver.com.
Golf Vacations in Spain
Many people choose to go to Spain as their holiday vacation destination. Years ago the favorite vacation spots of most couples and families was Florida and the infamous Disney world. While this is still a favorite and wonderful vacation location, many are choosing to "expand their horizon" and travel abroad. Spain is a location that is being chosen by many people today for their holiday vacation. There are many types of Spain vacations, golf vacations, Spain bike tour vacation; sightseeing, etc. and one of the most popular are type of vacations.
What are Golf Vacations?
Golf Vacationing in Spain are more than just the typical tours and sightseeing one normally sees on vacation. You are transported to different golf courses around the area, where you and your friends or family will play a round or two of golf. These golf vacations are very popular with golf enthusiasts. It gives them a chance to spend some time together while they're doing their favorite pastime. And all of this is while on vacation.
Atlantic Golf
If a golf vacation in Spain is what you're interested in, there are a few popular and well-known companies such as Atlantic Golf and Hotel Golf. Atlantic Golf specializes in customizing golf vacationing to Spain so you'll have exactly what you want. They also work with vacations to Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales. Atlantic Golf has been around since the 1990s making people satisfied and happy with their golf vacationing. Atlantic Golf is one of the most knowledgeable and experienced companies in the golf travel business.
Hotel Golf is another option for your golf vacation in Spain. Hotel Golf is a website that lists any information you may need regarding your golf holiday in Spain. Some of the things you will find on Hotel Golf are the best golf resorts in Spain. This golf resorts will either have golf courses located on their premises or nearby.
Vacations are a very big thing and should be planned accordingly. While budget is a large concern for most people, other things should be taken into consideration when planning your vacation in Spain. Finding the golf vacation package that will best suit your needs is as important as finding the most affordable one. Combining these factors is going to take time, but with patience, you'll find the perfect vacation spot. Always read the fine print and ask questions if you're not sure of every little detail.
Alison Addy is the author of many other online related topics, including different sports such as golf and cycling. Gather more information and resources on Spain and bike tours at http://www.bikecyclingreviews.com/catalonia_bike_tour.html
I think I have hemorroids! The past few days I've been very comfortable down there! It has been itching like heck at times and had a little discharge of blood! I asked a friend about it and went on webmd. The same advice came from both places! Anyway I'll see the doctor when and if it gets really bad! Until then I'll use Preperation H.
Beyonce upset many today when she decided to go for a swim in Miami while still wearing her tank top and Daisy Dukes. Why is she so afraid to show off her body? Are we still not ready for that jelly? Not only did she not want to show off her bikini she made sure [...]Please note that if you are reading this on another site and not in a valid news reader it is being used without permission from Celebridiot. Please visit the actual creator of this content at Celebridiot.comand report the...
I am adapt to alot of anime categories. I like action series (sci-fi, ganster, suspense, ect.), and I also am endowed to the softer less violent anime (romance, comedy, ect.). This gives me variety. The one important factor in anything I do for fun - variety is the key.
From a top 5/6 of my favorite anime:
#5.) Blue Gender - It has a very touching story and ending. It also is action packed and creatively designed. This is definitely in my top 5/6.
#4.) Aquarion - The past to present content alligned to make 2 stories out of 1. More or less the meaning behind this particular work of art is by far an intriguing glimpse of what conflicts occur when human's excessive behavior toward their ideals reaches an impact on their lives. The drama is welcome for a great outlook in this matter.
#3.) Please Teacher - If you want a laugh out of a romantic comedy, this is the best one I can offer. Intelligenly funny, good edge of your seat fun, and very colorfully created.
#2.) Bleach - I am still currently checking out the rest of the series from episode 69, however the part that makes this show my second favorite anime is episodes 1-60. Humorous, action-bound, and overall sweet in every genre of selection in the anime world.
My #1.) favorite manga is a tie. I like the first series and movie of ghost in the shell. The story, the artwork, and pretty much the whole package was an example of what i call entertaining. It just kept me on the edge of my seat. However Ghost in the Shell first saga was evened with the suspenseful dramatic movie Straight Jacket. Another in my opinion exceptional, dramatic story. These overall cartoons I've watched and are my very favorite.
This concludes my anime that I like
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop my 3 yr old from bulling his little brother ?
| Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | baby | 0 comments »the last couple of days have been really bad. My oldest son, which is three yrs old hits his little brother with his hands or toys, pushes him down, lays or sits on him. I mean yes little brother has started it a couple of times too. We have tried time outs, raising our voices and even spanking(which i hate with a passion). My husband and I feel like we are running out of options. I understand about sibling rivery but this is way beyond then that. Please give any suggestions that might help
Immigration Law and Business Enforcement Audits Considered
| Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | Eb5 Visa | 0 comments »The federal government is cracking down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants and they are auditing employer's I-9s and paperwork to find violations. In fact, they notified nearly 1,000 businesses across the nation that their records will be audited, and also warned the companies of the stiff penalties if they did not fix the problems.
The Obama Administration doesn't want immigration officials to "storm businesses" while people are working. Rather they would like to look at all the records. For those business owners with a history of violating these laws they can expect stiff criminal penalties. The government has already went over Social Security Numbers and notified many businesses that they are aware that the Social Security Numbers do not match, and the company needs to clean up their act.
One company in Los Angeles that has over 10,000 employees, and was estimated having about 15% of its work force as undocumented, perhaps even illegal aliens working there, which is what's suspected. They now have 30 days to fix the problem or the owners will be put in jail, the company closed, and extremely harsh penalties will be levied.
Some employers claim there are typographical errors on the forms, but the government said; "that's no longer good enough, and it's not acceptable." No doubt these are probably excuses, as companies try to hide the fact that they hire illegal immigrants in order to pay lower wages. and skip out on various taxes and fees.
Previously a business could simply say they did not know that they were receiving fake documents. But now the government is telling them that these are not legitimate workers, and therefore those excuses no longer holds water. Companies are referred to the e-verify system, and if they fail to use it there is no excuse.
Various Hispanic groups are protesting this action, but much of it is driven by unemployment for US citizens, and labor unions, which see the exploitation of illegal immigrants as a way to avoid paying living wages to union workers. Nevertheless, those who do not follow the immigration laws when hiring workers will most likely be thrown in jail the future. Please consider all this.
Learn the Documents Necessary to Take Advantage of the Foreign Investor Visa
| Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | Eb5 Visa | 0 comments »If you are an immigrant looking to pursue your goal of both opening a business and living in the United States, there is a specific visa for you. The eb5 visa is also known as a foreign investor visa, since you need to show you can add to the U.S. economy to qualify. Before you count on this type of visa getting you into the U.S., learn the evidence you need to take advantage of this opportunity.
Even if you already know the basics of the foreign investor visa, you should get to know the specifics before applying. Officials will be impressed if you have all the requirements and proof of meeting them before you send in your application. Though there are plenty of these visas available each year, once they're gone, they're gone. Some years feature more competition than others, and if you want to speed past others applying for the same visa, preparedness for the process will get you noticed.
If you know anything about the eb5 visa, you already know the monetary requirements, as well as the rule that you must create ten new jobs for citizens. However, you might be confused on what type of business qualifies. You can create your own new business, or you can take over one that is already established. However, you must restructure the older business so that it qualifies as a new commercial organization, and you need to save at least ten jobs from being lost, had this business failed before you stepped in. In addition, you can buy an existing business even if it is not in economic trouble, and simply expand it, adding ten or more new positions.
After having performed these tasks, you will need to prove it. This can be done by showing the Articles of Incorporation for your new or changed company. If you have a partnership agreement, that will also be needed to complete the process. Whether you leased or bought the building that houses your business, you will need to keep those records, and any state licenses you received will also be helpful to keep. Evidence of the necessary funds having been transferred, documentation of where you received your initial capital, and proof of creating ten jobs will also be necessary. If you took over an existing company, you will also need to show organizational records and proof that you increased the net worth of the business since you took over.
Clearly, the process of obtaining a foreign investor visa involves a lot of paperwork. This is simply to prove without a doubt that any immigrant who wants to come to the U.S. under the guise of starting a business does what they intend to. Otherwise, this pathway to eventually becoming a citizen could be abused by those with no intention of successfully running their own business. However, do not let the red tape stop you from pursuing a dream of opening your own business in the United States. Contacting an immigration lawyer can help you stay focused and organized on your path to obtaining a foreign investor visa.
Thinking about this statement I conclude that it is true.... but it's not everything in life. It's nice to have a beautiful environment, happiness, health and so many other things that cannot be bought. However sometimes money is required for a lot of things in life and will increase your happiness, although not in all cases and not in an excessive amounts. That is, enough to live comfortable without the need to always having to make big sacrifices.
What do you think about the statement "The best things in life are free"? Do you agree? Is that enough to live a happy life?
Thanks & Have a nice day!
For a chance to get away from everything that smacks of modernization, look no further than Lasqueti Island, British Columbia. The population is around 350 permanent residents year round, resulting in a lot of people shaking their heads in wonderment that some people still choose this lifestyle, while others leave envious of those souls and find themselves experiencing culture shock when they hit a big city again.
There are highly educated professionals in various careers and trades living here, who also spend a lot of time in manual labor keeping the home fires burning per se, as they are living a lifestyle that demands the time-consuming attention to eking a living out of the earth and natural environment around them. The Coastal Douglas Fir Zone is the unusual ecosystem here that draws naturalists/scientists of many fields to observe and sometimes stay to study.
You leave your car behind, and either walk onto a passenger ferry, or go by private boat or float plane. The only power is solar or micro-hydro, and this is the way the residents want it.
There are picnic areas, swimming at Squitty Bay Provincial park, 9 miles south of the ferry dock, where the water is warm and green in the summer, as well as many other secluded beaches on the island and its 8 bays. In calm waters, you can paddle over to Jedidiah Island, which is now a provincial marine park, and has white sand beaches. This is only accessible by boat and takes about 30 minutes by canoe when waters are good.
Visitors and residents come here for the mountain biking among other reasons. There are no paved roads, so realize you'll need some good equipment. You are not totally destitute of vehicles if you have an emergency or other reason for needing one. There is a taxi service here.
Fishing - did I mention you can fish for salmon, cod and rockfish here, dig clams, or just see the marine life in your scuba gear?
There is are hotels, some B & Bs and a wilderness retreat to rent, as well as campgrounds. The power generators are turned off at night, which means you'll be glad for your candles, kerosene lamp and battery operated lantern. Just remember that you're dealing with solar power, out houses or indoor showers and bathrooms that are varied from your typical accommodation.
Where is this place and how do you get there? It is 50 miles northwest of Vancouver in the Strait of Georgia. The island is about 12 miles long and 3 miles wide, so compare that to Manhattan if you need a visual comparison of size. Now think of all the people that live in Manhattan and the 350 who live in Lasqueti, and you'll realize why the comparison to Manhattan stops there. Take the passenger ferry from French Creek Harbour on Vancouver Island, to False Bay on Lasqueti Island. This will take about 50 minutes in calm waters. You'll leave your car behind at the marina where you'll find paid parking. With a boarding pass, you'll still need to board 15 minutes prior to departure. There are specifics of what you can and cannot take on board, such as no hardware allowed - machinery, etc. Bicycles are 2.50. However, if you bring your own kayak, the ferry company considers that hand luggage, so voila, you are set to enjoy the waters off the shoreline.
Are we so busy in our lives that we think we have to stay busy during well-deserved holidays? Whether done cheaply or expensively, beaches are the most natural and beautiful options but know what is out there, not just the regular ones everyone seems to flock to, but also the hidden vacation spots.
With dental treatment prices on the rise, everyone is looking to save money by going with cheap dental plans over personal or private dental insurance. The fact of the matter is the economy isn't quite what it used to be, and everyone is looking to budget a little extra money that they may have previously been so concerned about. That is certainly the case with more and more people choosing to use cheap dental plans as their way to get the best dental insurance they can.
With discount dental plans you are able to get dental treatments at a more affordable price. In fact you can save up to half of your dental bills without having to pay the higher monthly premiums that you used to with dental insurance for individuals. Cheap dental plans are more readily available even with the larger dental insurance providers and they give you the option of having less paperwork to fill out, less hassle when it comes to what is available and what is not, and overall, they do not have as many restrictions.
Dental plans are available online and you can sign up almost instantly whereas dental insurance may not be as quick. Even the majority of dentists are now realizing how popular discount dental plans are and they are signing up to join them as well so that they can take on more patients that have cheap dental plans. For most of us, we don't use our dental care insurance enough to make it worthwhile to have the monthly premiums so it makes more sense to go with a more affordable cheap dental plan that will save us money over the long run.
You like your teeth, don't you? That is why you, hopefully, brush and floss everyday. You know it is the healthy thing to do and that it will allow you to keep them for a while longer. Brushing and flossing is a start, but in order to keep plaque and cavities from destroying your mouth, you need to visit the dentist. It is recommended that you go to the dental every six months for a cleaning. As you may know, the expense of this will add up.
Getting a cavity filled is nowhere near as expensive as getting bypass surgery, but it is by no means a simple expense that many people don't mind paying. That is why they offer dental insurance. Insurance of this kind ensures that you will be covered for any dental bills as per the plan. This means that you can't just go to the dentist whenever you want for anything and be covered, but that there are certain terms and conditions.
If bills are already tough to manage, you may be weary of taking on yet another insurance payment. That is why you should look for low cost dental insurance. Just as you would shop around for the cheapest place to buy an iPod, you should shop around for the lowest cost dental insurance. Don't sacrifice quality coverage for a bargain, but there are plenty of opportunities out there to avoid spending too much on dental insurance. Take your time, get lots of quotes, and build an affordable plan that is right for you.
What I recommend is to take note of all the times you've been to the dentist in the last ten years, as well as all the times you SHOULD have visited. See how much it would have cost without coverage. Visit your local dental insurance office - or call one - and have a lengthy conversation. Get actual numbers and figures on what it would have cost had you had coverage the whole time. There's a good chance you paid much less without the coverage.
On the flip side, if you just keep having issues with those teeth, you may have to get a good plan. Know what your tendencies are inside that mouth of yours, and actually visit the dentist and see what he or she says may develop in the next five to ten years. This could give you a nice head start on deciding exactly what kind of coverage you need.
The real point here is to not get sucked into signing up for the "best" dental coverage and highest premiums simply because you'll know "you're set". Accidents happen and we age, and as much as we'd like to be ready for everything, occasionally our budgets just won't allow us to cover it all. If you can afford it without batting an eye, well then, absolutely go for it. You're one of the lucky bunch, and be proud that you can protect your family in that way. But just be careful, everyone. Do what you can, and only pay for what you can afford.
Let's face it. If you want to lose weight, you're going to get hungry! You need to accept that. It helps to know that when you feel your stomach rumble, you are getting thinner! Making hunger your friend will help you tolerate those uncomfortable feelings of emptiness. You can even start to look forward to those hunger pangs when you visualize them burning the fat away with each loud rumble you hear. I like to see them as little pac men munching away my fat. Reach for a tall glass of water at the first sign of hunger. Many times we think we are hungry when all our body really needs is water. Often, our hunger will go away after we drink a tall refreshing glass of water.
Now, having said that, there are some ways to fill up your tummy and feel more comfortable. Taking a couple of fiber capsules with psyllium husks when you get hungry, and drinking a huge glass of water will significantly reduce your hunger. The fiber will absorb the water and expand in your stomach to fill you up. You need to make sure you drink a lot of water, or the fiber won't move through your digestive track and you may get constipated. Allow a little time for the fiber to expand in your stomach. If you are still hungry after the capsules, drink more water. Also, eating low-calorie, filling foods will take away your hunger and keep you going until your next meal. Make sure you always carry something healthy with you so you don't have the temptation to reach for a bag of starchy potato chips.
There are certain foods that are better to eat than others if you want to lose weight. Look for fiber dense, nutrient rich foods. Apples are so good for you. The bulky fiber will keep you full for a time being. Green vegetables are another food that are great to eat. These are actually negative calorie foods. This means that it will take your body more energy to digest them then they are calorie wise. Eating them will actually put your body to work and you will burn calories. Choose celery, sugar snap peas, and cucumbers. Besides having a lot of fiber, they are rich in B vitamins and phyto-nutrients. In lieu of fattening dressings, squeeze some fresh lemon juice on them for a tasty treat with virtually zero calories!
For more information about weight loss foods for any meal or snack
Trying to lose weight does not mean that you have to starve yourself. The most important thing is to stay healthy during the process. If you have started on a dieting plan or is currently in the midst of one. Below are some advice and tips on how to do properly.
1. Please, do not skip any meals. When you do that, your body's metabolism begins to slow down. This is because it is trying to conserve energy as fuel for your body, such as fat, becomes limited. By having regular meals, your metabolism is maintained and even increased.
2. You should take three small meals and two snacks everyday and not just one or two huge meals.
3. Start your day by drinking warm water with just a squeeze of lemon juice before breakfast to get the metabolism going, this can also help to prevent constipation and is excellent for the skin.
4. Another way to increase the speed of your metabolism and burn more calories is to drink hot water instead of cold water in the morning.
5. Chili helps to speed up metabolism - even the milder varieties.
6. Learn about nutrition and how to prepare healthy meals so that you will adopt healthy eating habits.
7. Learn how to make your favourite recipes but reduce the fats, salt, and sugar content. Substitute cream with non-fat yogurt, stir-fry without oil and use herbs and spices instead of salt to taste. When stir-frying, use chicken stock to cut down on hidden fat.
8. You can use vegetables like capsicum and zucchini to wrap flavoured fillings or minced chicken, white meat or fish. These are healthy and contain low fat.
9. Soya beans or tofu is one of the best sources of vegetable protein. Legumes are also good sources of protein, so include lentils, lima beans etc into casseroles and soups.
10. You can make delicious low fat mayonnaise by combining one teaspoon of Dijon mustard or satay sauce with low fat yogurt.
11. Take non-toasted muesli instead of the toasted ones. A plate of toasted muesli contains more fat than a plate of bacon and eggs.
12. Another way to reduce fat is to make omelettes without the yolks.
13. Try not to remove the skins of fruits and vegetables as most of the nutrients are concentrated under the skin.
Here are a few simple recipes which you can try. Enjoy!
Bacon Cheeseburger Salad
Carbs Per Serving: 7g total
Effort: Easy
3 ounces lean ground beef crumbled, cooked and drained
4 slices bacon - cooked crisp, drained and crumbled
1 cup chopped lettuce
1/8 cup chopped onion1/2 medium tomato - chopped
1 tablespoon mayonnaise ¼ cup cheddar cheese - (or 1 once)
How to Prepare:
Stir mayo into lettuce, onion and tomato until evenly coated. Toss in beef, bacon
and cheese.
Stuffed Zucchini Bake
Carbs per Serving: 35g carbs total
Effort: Easy
4 medium zucchini -- wash
and cut in 1/2 lengthwise
1 pound ground beef
1 clove garlic -- minced fine
1/2 cup onion -- diced1/2 cup mushroom -- diced
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
-- or cheddar -your choice
1 each salt and pepper - to taste
How to Prepare:
Preheat oven to 350f and spray a cookie sheet or casserole with cooking spray.
Use a spoon and shell out the zucchini to make "boats".
Leave the skin and about 1/4 inch or so of flesh intact.
Chop pulp roughly. In a skillet, add ground beef, onion, garlic, mushrooms and zucchini pulp.
Cook through, stirring to break up meat.
Lay the zucchini boats in prepared pan and spoon meat filling into them.
Bake, covered, for 20 minutes.
Uncover and sprinkle with cheese and bake until cheese melts.
There are a wide range of snacks that do not take time to prepare and are high in nutritional content. These snacks are also quite affordable compared to junk food, plus most junk foods help in fat gain and rank low in calories. The junk food will also make you feel slow and sluggish, not what you want when you're hungry and tired. So what options are there for healthier snacks between meals?
Boiled eggs
Hard boiled eggs are easy to prepare and each egg contains 76 calories. The boiled egg contains a wide range of minerals and lots of protein. The boiled egg contains vitamin A which is ideal for growth and the skin. Boiled eggs also contain minerals such as iron, calcium and iodine that are vital to a balanced diet.
This snack is very inexpensive and it is easy to make. It has a high content of fiber and it's considered healthy and light. Many people add salt and butter to the corn according to their taste or preference. You should take care when selecting popcorn as they can come in high fat and low fat varieties.
Protein bars
Protein bars are ideal for people looking to increase their protein, such as people going to the gym, they taste great and you can choose from a variety of different flavours so you should be able to find a flavour you like. They are convenient because they are inexpensive and you can just buy them at the store. The best protein bars contain more proteins and a little sugar. One should avoid protein bars that have saturated sugars in them.
Slices of orange
Considered the most popular fruit throughout the world, oranges have high levels of vitamin c and they're sweet too. This fruit is even available during winter but mostly depends on the variety. Oranges contain high fiber content as well as a range of vitamins. The orange has vitamins B1 and B. Usually the white skin found under the peel is the one that has bioflavonoid which is very healthy.
Broccoli florets
These hardly take any time at all to prepare and are available at the green grocer. Broccoli contains vitamins A, C and K. It's also high in fiber as well as folate. Broccoli supplies the body with the minerals magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium too which we need daily. As a snack it has a high content of vitamin B6 and E. The best broccoli is the light green one which should be fresh from the farm. You should thoroughly wash it and look out for the heads which should be dark green with little purplish tint. There are different types of broccoli which are sweeter and are smaller in size. Broccoli florets are ideal for eating with dips. As with any condiment or dressing make sure the dipping sauce is low in fat so you don't undo the good done by eating healthy.
Focus on home cooked meals rather than fast foods. Many fast foods that state that they are good for you aren't! Instead of a chicken sandwich and fries, try boiling chicken and using it in a salad! I found that changing my dinnerware to something abstract and different, square, oval, just even a different color for each meal, makes a difference! On the go? Prepare meals in advance and store them in sealed containers. Take them with you and you will find them most enjoyable! Since it's summer, pack some fruit and store up on vitamin C. Oranges, apples and melon make a lovely combination and are light but filling.
You can even prepare veggie dips and veggies to take with you! Whatever you do remember to pack plenty of water! It is recommended to drink 8 glasses a day. Whatever you prepare, make it fun! Try going back to your childhood to get new ideas! If you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, try trimming the crust or cutting the sandwich in a heart shape!
Lower your cholesterol with fried items in canola oil or olive oil. Fried chicken in either of these is a treat! Try this, take drumsticks and trim the gristle off of the bottom. Take a small knife and push the meat towards the top of the drum, Look at that! Once fried you have little trees and they aren't as messy! Remember, enjoy your food at all times! Remember, as our bodies get older, we need more fiber, protein, and water! So, make eating healthy fun!
Gizmo5 Offers Free International Calls to Their Customers
| Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | VOIP | 0 comments »VOIP calls allow people to make use of the telephony service in a cost effective way. With the help of this new technology people can make calls to anywhere in the world without worrying about the expenses related with making that call. There are many types of software available for users that allow users to make free VOIP calls.
One such company offering such facilities is Gizmo5. This company aims at offering their customers with new and innovative techniques and services so that they can connect with other people in a cost effective manner. Gizmo5 can be easily downloaded from the official website for free. The registration process usually takes place during the initial start up of the phone. Once the registration process is complete, users can use the phone to make free international calls as long as they have a microphone.
Recently Gizmo5 collaborated with Virtual PBX to offer the best business phone solutions at economic prices. The new product launched by these two companies is called as iVPBX. The benefit of using this product is that it providers users to make unlimited inbound calls for just $10 per seat. The great news for Gizmo5 users is that it allows them to send calls directly to Gizmo phones for free.
Features of Gizmo5
The features if Gizmo5 are as follows:
• It allows free VOIP calls to all Gizmo users
• It also offers users the facility to make calls to landlines as well as mobiles at affordable prices
• The company is integrated with AIM and MSN, which makes it all the more easy for users to add their buddy list into Gizmo5
• It also comes with voice mail facility, chatting services and users can also upload avatars or their pictures
Performance wise, Gizmo5 is an excellent service for those who want to make free international calls. This service is totally free for people using Gizmo applications. Calls made to non Gizmo users will be charged. This is also great choice for businesses, since they can make calls using the iVPBX at economical rates.
Gizmo5 comes with a good customer support since they provide their customers with online knowledge base that can answer all the questions put forth by the users. Other ways on getting answers to queries can be done through forums or emails. This free VOIP calls service is an ideal way to stay connected with family or friends.
Gizmo has also come up with a new promotional offer that allows users to make free calls to land line or mobile phones. All the users need to do is participate in the All Calls Free plan offer. This offer works by offering 20 minutes free international calls to new users by getting 1 friend of theirs to sign up with Gizmo5.
How VoIP Solutions Can Improve Your Business Productivity
| Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | VOIP | 0 comments »There are many answers to communication issues these days and taking advantage of VoIP solutions is one such answer in the workforce. A large number of company heads will often discuss at lengths the best way to get the most out of their communications capabilities and VoIP is usually a concept which enters the pictures. VoIP, or Voice Over Internet Protocol, is basically access to phone service via the Internet. It is a new way to communicate with someone in a different place as opposed to picking up the telephone and using the traditional way through a phone company to do so. The following will provide some ways in which VoIP can help to improve business productivity for all who use it.
Using a VoIP system can benefit businesses in various ways. One way in which this type of phone capability can improve business productivity is that it allows employees to have access to their VoIP phone and calls coming directly to it wherever it and they may be. In other words, should your employee be traveling on business, they can take their VoIP system with them and have access to the office line 24/7. This enables customers to reach your employees at all times without having to hand out personal cell phone numbers. A business in which customers can reach employees when they need them is one which will be quite productive as a whole.
In addition, those who use VoIP solutions only need good Internet access in order to use their phone. These days finding Internet access is quite a simple task no matter where one may be. The VoIP system provides those with the capability to use the phone via Internet access and maintain contact with business clients and other employees. This is another great reason to purchase VoIP capable items and get started on the way to top notch business dealings and increased productivity.
Another important concept associated with the use of VoIP phones and concomitant systems is that this type of phone system is much more economical than traditional phone sources. This can help to increase business productivity by providing business owners with a cost efficient way to obtain phone service. Saving money on phone service may lead to higher paying jobs for employees and those employees who are higher paid ones may be more productive as well.
VoIP type solutions can also aid in improving business productivity by providing employees and business owners with telephone access which is clear and enables one to hear the party on the other end. When engaging in business it is important that the information relayed over the phone is clear and easy to decipher. A VoIP system will make this possible which makes overall business transactions much more productive and pleasant as a whole. If you have ever had to do business with representatives from other companies and experienced hard to hear conversations you can truly appreciate the productivity aspect which will result from using various VoIP solutions in the business context.
My last period was about a week and a half ago. Over this past week I have been having very unusual stomach pains. They don't feel like cramps, it's my stomach.
It feels like someone has my stomach in their hands and is squishing it together. And I somewhat feel like throwing up.
Could I be pregnant? It's only been just inbetween a week - 2 weeks of my last period. Is this a symtom and Would I have it this early?
* 19 minutes ago
* - 4 days left to answer.
Additional Details
Well I have had alot of sex this past week so I was wondering if it was from this past week.
My last period ended a bout a week and a half ago it seemed pretty normal.
In Western countries, they prefer to hire employees that have extensive work experience rather than age. I heard they also do not have a mandatory age for retirement. As long as you want to work and are able to work, you can still find employment.
I have noticed that in the Philippines job ads usually have age limits for applicants. Work experience is not an advantage here. Some employers even prefer to hire those who have just graduated from college. Call centers seem to be the only employment option for those who are over 40. Age is often the factor that will qualify or disqualify you for employment in the Philippines.
Isn't this practice discriminatory?
The UK is currently making the biggest immigration law changes for the last 45 years.
Currently to be an au pair in the UK you will need:
* To be an EU citizen; or
* Get a holiday work visa, for example British commonwealth countries like Australia & South Africa; or
* You are a national of a country that is part of the au pair programme for example Turkey and Macedonia; or
* Obtain a blue card from BUNAC (British Universities North America Club).
The above will no longer be applicable from December of this year (2008) and will be replaced by TIER 5 of the new points-based system.
That means to qualify to be an au pair in the UK you will need to be:
* An EU citizen
* A national of a participating country; or
* A British overseas citizen; or
* A British overseas territories citizen; or
* A British national (overseas);
* You will also need to be aged between 18 and 30 years of age and have enough financial resources to support yourself from when you first enter the United Kingdom until you start earning.
* You may not participate in the Youth Mobility Scheme if you have dependent children or have previously spent time in the UK as a working holidaymaker.
* You will be expected to leave the UK when your permission to stay ends.
* You will only be able to come to the UK on the youth mobility scheme once.
We are yet to be informed by the UK border agency which countries will be participating in the youth mobility scheme.
For the latest information please visit:
Youth Mobility Scheme for au pairs.