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Stomach Pain, Am I Pregnant?

| Wednesday, July 29, 2009 | | 0 comments »

My last period was about a week and a half ago. Over this past week I have been having very unusual stomach pains. They don't feel like cramps, it's my stomach.

It feels like someone has my stomach in their hands and is squishing it together. And I somewhat feel like throwing up.

Could I be pregnant? It's only been just inbetween a week - 2 weeks of my last period. Is this a symtom and Would I have it this early?

* 19 minutes ago
* - 4 days left to answer.

Additional Details
Well I have had alot of sex this past week so I was wondering if it was from this past week.

My last period ended a bout a week and a half ago it seemed pretty normal.

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