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You are in the cardio trap if......

-You are famished after a workout and you eat more than you usually might.
People in the trap often find themselves exercising till they are spent. Then because of their famished state they eat and refill their tanks with loads of food.

-You feel like you need to exercise due to how much food you consume.

People in the trap believe they must exercise because of how much they eat.

-If you are forced to skip a workout you feel anxious and stressed about possibly not burning enough calories that will lead to weight gain.

-If you are sick quite frequently.

People in the trap tend to exercise even when they are tired. The extra level of exertion often brings about a weakened immune system leading to colds and illness.

-If you do take some time off from an exercise program and you come back with loads of energy and stamina.

The trap is a very draining situation and when you find yourself forced out of it you often recover to levels that allow you to have far more energy and strength.

-If you eat something and then feel you need to work it off.

Being in the cardio trap is not unlike Bulimia where you feel the need to purge yourself from something you just ate. So if you ever exercise just to make up for something you ate then consider yourself trapped!

* The first step to breaking out of the cardio trap is to recognize that weight management happens with calorie balance. A calorie balance can happen with or without loads of exercise.

* If you follow your appetite, then chances are you will eat less if you decrease the amount of cardio you do.

• The best thing to do, if you are in the cardio trap is to seek professional guidance or help. Many people fall into the cardio trap due to a need for control outside of their own lives. Such issues will not be resolved through diet, exercise nor the advice in this article. Only professional intervention will help to spring you free.

Be fit and live free,

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