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Colon cancer is complex disease, one that involves both genetic and environmental factors. However, fifty to eighty percent of cases of colon cancer are considered due to environmental factors, such as daily diet habits. High intake of dietary fruits and vegetables and low intake of a hydrogenated or saturated fat have been associated with a decreased risk of several cancers, including colon cancer.

With a cohort around 3000 peoples, statistic study provides an accurate picture of the involvement of a special class of fat. The cancer research study was performed from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and showed a strong correlation with hydrogenated fat intake, saturated fat and pro-inflammation fat with the apparition of this cancer. For sure, the amount of the baddest fat were worst when take in greater quantity. This ugly fat are used by the process industry to flavor and give texture to the process foods. The perfect example of food with hydrogenated fat are margarine, which become popular after the second World War. This fat has the worst effect on the correlation with colon cancer.

On the bright side, the fat omega-3 which is known to be anti-inflammatory promotes a protection against cancer. By reducing the inflammation with this fat, you inhibit one process known to cause colon cancer. This omega-3 fat can be found in fish oil, walnut and olive oil. Do remember that everything is about proportion, your need to switch your intake of the bad fats and replace them with good fats.

One of the best strategy is to replace the majority of hydrogenated oil like margarine and butter with extra virgin olive oil. By doing so you knock two birds with one stone. You lower your bad fats intake and replace it with good fat that control inflammation.What to find more functional foods that has good fat go to healthy olive oil.

Yanick Bertand PhD has a passion to educate people in the fight against cancer. Through his many years of research on biological impacts to cancer, Yanick Bertand has discovered that a reaction occurs when we fight cancer with nutritional elements - such as the food that we eat. In his research on the fight against cancer, Yanick has come across critical information that is not known by the general public. It is Yanick's desire to educate the public on how they can help fight cancer.

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