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Spiritualy abandoned

| Monday, July 20, 2009 | | 0 comments »

Permanent failure, life of a loser, never succeeding. That's my life story. I just posted 2 blogs and answered a post and they have vanished. Much like my life. All my good jobs I have been layed off from due to closings or down sizing, my vehicles are broke down, and my business is failing. My faith is getting weak, my spirits are low and I am hungry. My kids are turning away from the faith, and becoming selfish and self centered.I went to work construction and now I can't even get payed. In my 16 years of marriage my wife and I have lost 2 children. When does it turn around? Where is the hope of a good life. God promises never to leave his children. But He never promises to us safe. He is probably eating a box of chicken while I go broke and starve. I once prayed for a car. I got a car the next day from my boss. Free at that. I spent my last $10.00 on gas went to insure it and register it. IT STOPPED and never ran again. I guess I should have prayed for a running car. Like I should have prayed for children that lived, or a job that pays, or anything positive.I hope in the end it is all worth it. Life is hard enough to find out hell is waiting on me.

Tell me your hard luck stories, or that God really does care?!?

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