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Just wondering how possible it is to be 2 weeks late for your period, but still have a HcG level that's too low to show up on a HPT.

I am 2 weeks late for my period. I have taken HPTs and they were negative. The last one I took was 3 days ago. I assumed that I wasn't pregnant, but then yesterday and today I have started feeling really nauseous any time I am even around food and my emotions are all over the place for no real reason (both of which are very uncommon for me even when I am on my period).

I'm just wanting some assurance either way. I'm just not sure how possible it is to actually have an HcG level that low if I actually am pregnant.

* 19 minutes ago
* - 4 days left to answer.

Additional Details
Thank you everyone. I really don't think there is a chance I am pregnant at this point, just needed some assurance that it isn't likely at this point.

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