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Healthy comfort foods for overstressed people is not an oxymoron. Overstressed people are the same as anyone else - they want to reward themselves, and this is where comfort foods come in. There are lots of reasons why we crave comfort foods not least are the psychological reasons. We feel a need to treat or reward ourselves because "we deserve it - we work hard".

The problem with comfort eating is the fact that we eat junk food that gives us a quick sugar fix and when that hit is over we are left overtired and more tired than ever, and if that was not bad enough we also feel guilty because we have succumbed to comfort eating again! That does not mean that comfort foods are banned they are not, but it is a good to reclassify what you call comfort foods. Often comfort foods are highly calorific, a classic example is the American calorie overload mac and cheese. However comfort foods can be light snacks which are relatively healthy.

Healthy eating can still have foods that have a massive comfort value. Mindless eating is a senseless exercise that just adds more guilt. When you want to eat write it down before you eat it and then your food diary can build a list of what you are eating that is wrong. High calorie comfort snack eating or drinking has worse effects on your health than guilt. Potato chips, crisps, Pringles, etc., are massively high in calories and fats, but also they have high levels of sodium. Sodium is a contributory factor in hypertension or high blood pressure. A healthy comfort food that delivers on all levels is low fat yoghurt, any flavor. I personally like to use the low fat Greek yoghurt and add nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, or pistachios, and fresh fruit. Try crushed berries and almonds. That healthy comfort food can also be frozen.

Summer berries are low in fat and very high in antioxidants and the natural sweetness of strawberries is irresistible. An Italian trick for bringing out the flavor of strawberries is forget the sugar or honey they kill the natural sweetness of Summer. Sprinkle freshly grated black pepper on strawberries to maximize the flavor. Rejuvenate your body when you are stressed rather than reach for the comfort food. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and it assists the liver and kidneys' in detoxifying your whole body.

Try some deep breathing exercises that take less than five minutes, but they send more blood to your extremities to pick up the toxins in your body and get rid of the, Breathe in slowly to the count of eight, hold for eight seconds and then exhale for eight seconds. Pack out your refrigerator with loads of fruit and fresh vegetables. Eat a fresh kiwi for an instant sugar hit and masses of healthy Vitamin C. Avoid processed sugar, cakes and cookies and feel less stressed because your body has to work harder to digest processed food.

I am an ex chef, now a food writer who STILL loves to cook and prepare food. I am a Squidoo addict and my Squidoo pages are my hobby. Read more of my dessert cheesecake recipes at Perfect Holiday Cheesecakes There are recipes for the world's gourmet cheesecakes, both baked and unbaked cheesecakes. There is the classic the "NeW York Cheesecake" a smooth creamy rich cheesecake recipe, baked in the Jewish style. Chocolate, and berry cheesecakes are featured, as is the classic cherry cheesecake, oozing with healthy cherries packed with anti-oxidants. As a chef I have included tips on how to make the perfect holiday cheesecake at every attempt, in fact you can't go wrong if you follow my instructions, even if every cheesecake recipe you have every made was a disaster. Or my Savoury Cheesecake Recipes that illustrate that cheesecakes do not have to be a dessert. There are examples of crab cheesecake recipes and BLT cheesecake recipes. Stilton and poached pears cheesecake served with a classic port reduction is a perfect combination of flavours, the crust is enriched with crushed walnuts and it is perhaps the definitive gourmet cheesecake.

There are sections on cheat's cheesecake which you can have on the table in less than ten minutes which means cheesecake recipes can be an emergency dessert. Even complete novices can confidently make cheesecake every time. There are cheesecake recipes for every occasion, both as an appetiser and as a dessert or even both. If every cheesecake you have ever made has been a failure let me see if I can help you. If you have any cheesecake questions that you need answering then email and I will be happy to help.

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