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Aerobic Moves

| Saturday, July 18, 2009 | | 0 comments »

Regular aerobic exercise can improve the health of your heart and extend your life by oxygenating your blood, muscles and organs. What constitutes as aerobic exercise and how does one go about beginning an aerobic lifestyle? Any activity that increases the heart rate to work at 70 to 80 percent for at least 12 minutes is considered aerobic; therefore, there are countless numbers of aerobic moves to choose from.

Always remember to warm up first by slowly raising the heart rate and warming the muscles, this will help avoid injury. Some aerobic moves that can start slow and increase to a more intense level is walking, marching, stair climbing and jumping jacks. The warm up portion of your routine should be about five to ten minutes.

Once warmed up there are a lot of choices in aerobic moves including: running, swimming, and dancing. In general an aerobic exercise should move the body at increasing intensities to reach the target heart rate and sustain it for a set amount of time. How ever you choose to achieve this is up to personal taste and is subject to variety every day.

After the main session of your aerobic workout you will want to complete your session with cool down aerobic moves that include stretching the muscles you have worked. You want to allow you heart to slowly move to the normal heart rate as you cool down. This too helps avoid injury and cramping when the exercise is complete.

There are so many places around the country which have great aerobic facilities

Richard Coppin - Find out more about aerobics and fitness
pilates aerobics audio books and Aerobic Moves.

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